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Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installation for the Manitoba Children's Museum at The Forks
Monitoring of installations yielded 404 artifacts relating to the following periods: Late Woodland (AD 500-1737); Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816); Immigration Sheds (1872-1885); and Railroad (1888-1988). Precontact artifacts are limited to lithic and faunal remains. Postcontact artifacts represent the following categories: architectural objects; transportations; smoking equipment; ceramic, glass, and metal dinnerware, storage, and ornamental containers; clothing; detritus. Features recovered include brick foundations, a midden, and a Precontact occupation site. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1994. Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installation for the Manitoba Children's Museum at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Prepared for The Forks Renewal Corporation, Manitoba Children's Museum, Winnipeg Hydro. [ CRM report (32pp)(HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
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