3 Results Found
Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks
Monitoring of auger holes and excavations yielded 28 artifacts from Precontact, Homestead and Industrial periods in the following categories: faunal remains; architectural objects; clothing; floral recoveries; soil; and containers. Historical context is briefly discussed for the following periods: First Inhabitants (8000 BC-AD 1737), including Archaic (3000 BC-AD 1) and Woodland (AD 1-1737); Contact (1737-1821), including Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888); and Railway (1888-1988). Stratigraphy is discussed in detail, providing information on flood activity at The Forks over the last 3000 years. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
1999. Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks. Winnipeg:Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. Submitted to Manitoba Theatre for Young People. [ CRM report (30pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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Investigations at Fort Gibraltar I: The Forks Public Archaeology Project
Historical background covers the First Inhabitants (8000 BC - AD 1737); Contact (1737-1821) including Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888); and Railway (1888-1988) Periods. The stratigraphy is detailed in five distinct time periods represented by six events: Railway Period; B&B Building construction (1888-1889); Pre-Railway/Post-Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) Experimental Farm Period (1848-1888); HBC Experimental Farm Period (1836-1848); 1826 Flood; Fur Trade Period including Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816). Artifact categories include: arms and ammunition; beads; buttons; glass; historic ceramics; lithic artifacts; fasteners; clothing, adornment, lighting, miscellaneous metal; nails; smoking pipes; seeds, bark, charcoal, leather; and faunal remains.
1992. Investigations at Fort Gibraltar I: The Forks Public Archaeology Project. Winnipeg:The Forks Public Archaeology Association. [ CRM monograph report (181pp.)(FNHSC, TFNP, MM, on file at PC) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Research Report, Excavations at 21K (Fort Gibraltar I)
This report documents the procedures, findings and interpretations resulting from the 1989 public archaeology program at The Forks. Historical background covers the following periods: First Inhabitants (3000 BC - AD 1737); Contact (1737-1821); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888) and Railway (1888-1988). Stratigraphy is discussed in relation to the following periods: Railway (1888-1988); B&B Building Construction (1888/89); Pre-railway/Post-1826 Flood; 1826 Flood; and Fur Trade (1737-1821). Recovered artifacts are discussed in the following categories: glass; historic ceramics; smoking pipes; nails; fasteners; metal; arms and ammunition; miscellaneous organic and inorganic; fauna; beads; lithics; worked bone; and Native ceramics. Analysis, interpretation, and recommendations conclude the report. Appendices include a list of the volunteers and schools involved, seed analysis, and scientific nomenclature.
1990. The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Research Report, Excavations at 21K (Fort Gibraltar I). Winnipeg. Prepared for Canadian Parks Service, The Forks Renewal Corporation, and Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Citizenship. [ CRM monograph report (158 pp.)(FNHSC, TFNP, HRB, MM, on file at PC) ]
. Material Recovered
Dig Site
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